Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cluster: A Number of Similar Things that Occur Together

I recently was sitting in my “thinking spot” bemoaning the fact that my winter break was coming to a close. It was time to get back to school and finish out this semester. And while I was excited about the new adventure of being stage manager for the school’s next play, I was reluctant to get back to the routine. I had enjoyed quite a bit of solitude over Christmas and the month break. I had more time to read, to journal, to plan for the next thing, to pray and to just sit.

On the couch next to me was a magazine I picked up at the checkout line because the main article heading was “Feel calmer now: 20 essential lists to organize your life”; it was going to help me with my new year plan to get organized. I read a few articles, and it has been sitting there now for a few weeks, since I started the hectic pace with the play and classes. I happened to glance over at it and read the quote on the spine; just the words to describe how I was feeling, and how to navigate through this season: “Life comes in clusters, clusters of solitude, then a cluster when there is hardly time to breathe.” (May Sarton)

One of my “goals” for writing this year was to blog Monday through Friday each week. As you can see I have already fallen short. So I will adjust my intention; I will write in clusters. I will write as often as my hectic schedule will allow. I will squeeze in some time to express myself in words, even if I am in a cluster of time where I barely have time to catch a breath.

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